Transient Approval

An Auburn student in good standing may be approved to take courses at another institution on a transient basis for one term. The respective college/school within the University issues a "Transient Student Form." The dean or college academic advisor indicates the courses approved to be taken elsewhere. This form must then be signed and stamped by the Office of Admissions and Records. The completed form is taken or mailed to the intended university prior to course enrollment. The form will not be faxed.

Procedure for obtaining a transient form in the College of Agriculture:

  1. Pick up Transient form from outside the door of 105A Comer Hall (enter through 103 Comer Hall).
  2. Gather the following information:
    • Complete mailing address for the institution you plan to attend (this can usually be obtained on the institutions website).
    • Schedule book (Newspaper showing the courses being offered in the term you would like to attend) from the institution or a printout from their computer registration and a catalog if the institution is outside the state of Alabama.
  3. You will fill out all the requested information on the form excluding the courses you would like to take. You will need to mark these courses on the schedule of courses that you bring in.
  4. Bring the form filled out with your personal information and the institution address to 105A Comer Hall and leave for Ms. Shaw to complete the form. If there are questions regarding the coursework you will be notified by email to bring in needed information before the form will be completed.
  5. You will then take the form to 100 Mary Martin (basement B second counter) for the Registrar=s stamp. You will then mail or carry the form to the institution you have indicated. If the institution requests that the form be sent directly from Auburn University, you may request that the Registrar's office mail it, making sure you have the complete address for the institution on the form.

You must be in good academic standing, which can be on Academic Warning but not on Suspension, to be able to take courses as a Transient student. ANo credit earned at another institution by a student on academic suspension from Auburn will be used in clearing a suspension or in meeting requirements for an Auburn University Degree.@ (Page 11 AU Bulletin)

This form will be reviewed based on your current academic status and any change in your academic standing will alter the eligibility of the credit to be used in meeting graduation requirements. (i.e., you are put on academic suspension after you have completed the form and had course work approved).