Entomology 0509
Urban Entomology

Laboratory Schedule
Fall quarter 1998

Laboratory (Week)Topics and Projects
1 Familiarization with laboratory equipment and safety procedures, identification of adult and immature cockroaches, cockroach oothecae, and cockroach damage.

Review of proper procedures for handling pesticides, begin Ebeling choice box experiment.

2 Identification of fabric pests.

Begin fabric consumption experiment.

3 Identification of household spiders, ticks, and scorpions. Demonstration of black widow defensive behavior.

Identification of fleas.

4 Identification of whole and broken grain pests.

Identification of vertebrate pests.

5 Identification of household Hymenoptera pests (ants, bees, hornets, and wasps).

Experiment on the performance of wasp sprays. Determine knock down and compatibility with household construction materials.

6 Identification of miscellaneous household arthropod and mollusk pests.

Review and identification of structural wood and wood products.

7 Identification of fungal and bacterial decay of wood.

Field trip to construction site where termiticide will be applied prior to construction.

8 Identification of termites and termite damage.

Begin termite feeding study.

9 Insect control products.

Integrated pest management in the urban environment and probability models.

10 Inspection and "real-world" pest control. Field trips to insect infested structures.

Final laboratory practical.

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