
2010 Ag Roundup, Taste of Alabama Agriculture Set for Nov. 6

AUBURN, Ala.—If it’s homecoming on the Plains, then it must be time for the ever-popular Fall Ag Roundup and Taste of Alabama Agriculture, the 2010 edition of which is set for Saturday, Nov. 6, before the noontime Auburn/Tennessee-Chattanooga homecoming game. Because of the early game time, this year’s Roundup festivities will get rolling at 8 a.m. and wrap up at 11 a.m.

As in recent years, this mega-tailgate party co-sponsored by Auburn University’s Agricultural Alumni Association and College of Agriculture will be held at Ag Heritage Park — but this year, it is moving to a different location within the park. The new site will be the Alabama Farmers Pavilion, 620 A South Donahue Drive, and the green space that stretches from the pavilion to Lem Morrison Drive.

Elaine Rollo, Ag Roundup’s chief coordinator, said the new site will provide more space and more visibility for the event, which has grown by leaps and bounds since it began in the late 1970s.

In its early years, Ag Roundup was basically an annual reunion for alumni and friends of Auburn’s College of Agriculture. Several years ago, however, the Taste of Alabama Agriculture component was added as a way to spotlight the diverse foods and food products produced by Alabama farmers and to increase awareness of agriculture’s importance to the state’s economy.

Today, thousands of Auburn football fans in town for homecoming head to Ag Roundup, where, for a $5 admission fee, they can enjoy everything from corndogs, grilled burgers and fried catfish to turnip greens, sweet potato fries and ice cream.

In addition to its unparalled, all-you-care-to-eat buffet, the 2010 Ag Roundup will feature live and silent auctions that raise money for College of Agriculture scholarships as well as children’s activities, live music, informative displays by various commodity groups and Auburn University departments and organizations and visits from the AU Cheerleaders and Auburn’s Pep Band.

Corporate partners of this 31st annual Ag Roundup and Taste of Alabama Ag include John Deere, TriGreen, Snead Ag, SunSouth LLC and Milo’s Tea.

Tickets will be available at the gate; children 6 and under are admitted free.

For more information on Ag Roundup or to donate auction items, call 334‑844‑3204 or -3596, or e-mail Rollo at rollome@auburn.edu.  


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Contact: Jamie Creamer, jcreamer@auburn.edu, 334-844-2783

Auburn University College of Agriculture
Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station
AUBURN, AL 36849
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