
Lights, Camera, Action!

After a year in the making, the College of Agriculture now has two amazing and informative videos to show to general audiences and to potential new students.

One video, titled Meeting the Challenges, focuses on the breadth of our college programs—from keeping our water and food supplies safe to offering our students, faculty and the world a truly international perspective.

This video was developed to provide alums, donors, civic groups and parents a taste of the current challenges that our college is meeting.  A companion Web site (www.ag.auburn.edu/challenges/), where viewers will learn how they can help us continue to meet the world’s challenges, is being developed to complement the video.

A second video was developed specifically as a student recruitment tool.  This shorter, more rapid-fire video is already being used by our student services office to show potential new students the many exciting opportunities available through our college.

You can view the overview videos at www.ag.auburn.edu/challenges/ and the recruitment video at www.ag.auburn.edu/goplaces/. (You’ll need to select the video button on each site.)

We send a sincere thank you to all who starred in the videos as well as those who produced it.  Special thanks go to the videographer and film editor, Alan Brazzell, who brought these ideas to life.

College of Agriculture | Auburn University | Auburn, Alabama 36849 | ☎ (334) 844-2345 |
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