
Orr Horticultural Endowment Approaches $100,000 Mark

AUBURN, Ala. – An endowment established in the name of the late Henry Orr, one of Auburn University's most beloved and respected educators, is nearing the $100,000 mark thanks in large part to a generous donation from Lamar Thompson of Montgomery.

According to Chris Gary, development director AU's College of Agriculture, the endowment was established to honor Orr's accomplishments and benefit students by funding hands-on experiences.

Orr, who taught at AU from 1947 until his retirement in 1981, was a noted horticulturist who worked with many facets of the industry -- from landscaping and plant identification to greenhouse design. However, his signature service to students, and the reason many of his former students credit him for their successes, was his insistence that classroom education be augmented with real-world experience in the industry.

To honor Orr and continue his commitment to educational enrichment, a group of former horticulture students, along with the AU Department of Horticulture, established in 2000 the Henry P. Orr Endowed Fund for Horticultural Excellence. The monies will support undergraduate education outside the classroom by funding field trips, special studies, internships, lectures and design and industry forums.

"All the monies from this endowment will be used to involve students in real-life industry operations and business issues," explained Gary.

When the campaign began, organizers committed to raising $250,000 over a three-year span. Four of Orr's former students -- Dave Bradford, Robert Newton and John Floyd, all of Birmingham, and Bill Barrick of Mobile -- provided seed money for the fund. More than 75 percent of the AU horticulture faculty also have pledged money to the foundation. To date, nearly $100,000 has been raised and funds from the endowment will be used in the coming academic year to fund student field trips and internships.

Thompson is president and CEO of CCC Associates, one of the Southeast's largest horticulture companies, and Caffco International, a global importer and manufacturer of home decor products. The businesses sprang from a floral business started by Thompson's father, Jimmy, in 1950 and an import business the family founded in 1960. Thompson recently contributed $15,000 to the endowment stating that they are honored to contribute to the endowment. Thompson said the endowment will strengthen the connection between the horticulture industry and educators and also benefit students in Auburn's exceptional horticulture program.

Gary noted that all AU horticultural alumni and friends, industry leaders and others who have an interest in the endowment and its goals are invited to contribute to this fund. Pledges can be paid over a three-year period, added Gary.

For more information or to make a contribution, contact Gary at 317 South College Street, Auburn University, AL 26849; 334-844-1136 or garycr@alumni.auburn.edu.


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Contact Jamie Creamer, 334-844-2783 or jcreamer@auburn.edu
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By Katie Smith


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