History of Management

River management has been a part of human culture for centuries. The history of river management is one of river modification. We are tied to the riverscape for many reasons including, drinking water, transport of goods (navigation), power production and vast fishery resources. Recent history includes innovative techniques (and science) for restoration and management of river systems.

Lecture Presentation

Mississippi River steamboat


The River Thames
Rivers in Europe were severely degraded by the 1850's. This website features an article and cartoons from Punch, a Victorian political publication.
Native American Engineers
Native americans were the first river managers in North America. This web page tells how their technologies were used by early settlers to modify rivers.
History of Navigation
The Coosa-Alabama River Improvement Association has provided a nice timeline of river modifications for navigation.
History of Caviar
This presentation was prepared by Vince Travnichek (MODNR) on caviar. Many sturgeon facts are available here.

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