
Dr. Fadamiro’s Research Interests (broadly defined)

Insect neuroethology, chemical ecology, biological control, integrated pest management (IPM), and sustainable/organic agriculture

My academic interests concern both the fundamental and applied aspects of insect behavior, chemical ecology, and integrated pest management (IPM). My basic research uses a broad based multidisciplinary approach (analytical, behavioral, electrophysiological, and neurobiological techniques) to address fundamental questions in insect chemical ecology, neuroethology and olfaction. The goals of my applied research are to develop and evaluate ecologically based IPM programs for insect pests, and deliver these programs to growers (Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Hatch Project 08-044). Currently, I have several ongoing projects in my program focusing on the above research topics. My present research team is highly diverse and includes 7 graduate students, 2 undergraduate students and 1 postdoctoral researcher. My research has been funded by various extramural funding sources including National Science Foundation (NSF), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Southern Region IPM Center, and Biopesticide Industry, as well as by intramural grants including Auburn University Competitive Research Grants and Biogrants, Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station (AAES) competitive grants, Alabama State Legislature grants for fire ant management, and Alabama Fruit and Nuts grants.


Key Ongoing Research Projects

i) Neuroethology of Olfaction in Insects (Funded by NSF):

One key research project in my program focuses on neuroethology of olfaction (sense of smell) in insects. Insects rely on semiochemical (odor) cues to locate food, hosts, mates, and to avoid unsuitable habitats. The goal of this research is to study the olfactory system and mechanisms of olfaction in insects using moths and parasitic wasps as models. Using a systems approach involving integration of cutting-edge analytical, behavioral, electrophysiological, and neurobiological techniques, this project investigates how insects find and track odor sources and how odor is processed in the antennal and brain (antennal lobe) of insects. This NSF-funded research advances our understanding of animal sensory systems and provides new insights in olfaction and the evolution of insect chemical communication systems. Detailed understanding of olfaction in insects can also result in the development of environmentally sound pest management strategies. Two of my graduate students are currently working on this project.

ii) Fire Ants Chemical Ecology and Biological Control:

Imported fire ants (Solenopsis spp.) were accidentally introduced into the US in the early 1900’s and are now widely distributed in the region causing billions of US dollar annually in damage. The goal of this research is to advance our understanding of semiochemical communication in fire ants by identifying biologically active chemicals released by fire ants which mediate intra- and interspecific fire ant interactions, as well as interactions between fire ants and their natural enemies. One aspect of this project focuses on semiochemical mediated interactions between fire ants and parasitic phorid flies (Pseudacteon spp), which have been introduced for biological control of fire ants in southeastern US. We have recently discovered some novel fire ant compounds which attract phorid flies. Other projects focus on interspecific interactions among fire ants and identification of semiochemicals which may be used directly for fire ant control.


iii) Chemical Ecology and Development of Attractants for Yellowmargined Leaf Beetle (Microtheca ochroloma):

The yellowmargined leaf beetle (Microtheca ochroloma) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is a pest of cruciferous crops (cabbage, cauliflower, collards, mustard, radish, turnip, and watercress), and arguably the number one pest of organic crucifer vegetable production in southern US . Little is known about the cues used by this pest to locate crucifer host plants. This research focuses on the isolation, identification and characterization of host-related semiochemicals mediating host location and preference by yellowmargined leaf beetle. We have recently identified a putative novel attractant for the pest. Ongoing studies include further evaluation and field-testing of the putative attractant. One of my Ph.D. students is working on this project. I also have other projects in my program focusing on the identification and development of Attractants for fruit and vegetable pests in Alabama.

iv) Applied Research on Management of Key Fruit and Vegetable Pests in Alabama:

The goal of this project area is to facilitate implementation of alternative IPM practices by Alabama fruit and vegetable growers through applied research and extension / outreach activities. I have several projects aimed at developing and evaluating economically viable management practices for key pests of several crops in Alabama including peaches, Satsuma mandarin, tomato, cruciferous crops, and organic vegetable production. This project area has been funded by several sources including EPA, USDA, IPM Center, Industry, and Intramural grants. Four of my graduate students are currently working in this project area. Implementation of cost-effective IPM strategies will reduce reliance of farmers on conventional pesticides, and ultimately decrease non-target effects and occurrence of toxic residues on fresh market fruits and vegetables. Examples of specific projects include:

Development and implementation of Satsuma citrus IPM in Alabama: Satsuma mandarin production is a growing industry in Alabama. This project focuses on the development and implementation of Satsuma citrus IPM in Alabama.

Management of plum curculio and sucking insects in Alabama peaches. Plum curculio (Conotrachelus nenuphar) is the most important economic pest of peaches in Alabama and many other parts of southern United States. This project focuses on the evaluation and implementation of alternative cultural and biorational pest management practices that will help mitigate the impact of FQPA on peach production in Alabama and reduce potential exposure to toxic pesticide residues in fresh market fruit.

Vegetable IPM and development of organic vegetable production systems in Alabama: An ongoing project focuses on the development of integrated organic vegetable production systems for tomato and pepper in Alabama. This project involves evaluation and use of farmscaping (flowering) plants to enhance biological control of arthropods in organic vegetable fields. Another project focuses on evaluation of microbial pesticides and botanicals for control of yellowmargined leaf beetle in organic crucifer vegetable production.


Outreach and Extension


I am involved in several extension/outreach-related activities in fruit and vegetable IPM including grower training and education, field demonstration and workshops. My outreach mission is to promote and facilitate the adoption of IPM in fruit and vegetable crops. As the Extension IPM Coordinator/State Contact for Alabama, I work cooperatively with several agencies including the USDA-CSREES and the Southern Region IPM Center in Raleigh, NC, and with local research and extension staff and other stakeholders to set IPM priorities for Alabama, and to coordinate and promote existing and new IPM programs in the state. Additional information about the Alabama IPM Program is available online: or




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