Professor L. L. Hyche
Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology
Auburn University

Sphingid caterpillars are commonly called hornworms. The name comes from the single, usually curved and slanting, horn-like spine arising from the top of the eighth abdominal segment - in some species the spine may be absent or reduced to a knob or button. A few species of hornworms are important pests of field and garden crops. Several species feed on foliage of trees and shrubs. Many of these are solitary feeders, and loss of foliage is minor. A few species, however, e.g., the catalpa sphinx, can occur in abundance and cause serious defoliation of host trees.

Sphinx Moths, Hawk Moths, Hummingbird Moths, Hornworms

CATALPA SHPINX - Ceratomia catalpae (Boisduval)

WAVED SPHINX - Ceratomia undulosa (Walker)

WHITELINED SPHINX - Hyles lineata (F.)

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