Selection of Similar Pages

  Selections from the Home Page

Except for the first two buttons, this page is a list of buttons to other pages, on the topics listed below. All slide shows referenced here are in Microsoft PowerPoint. To move through the slide show, use the "page up" and "page down" keys on your keyboard. To get out of a slide show, use the "back" function on your browser.

We advise that you read the first three topics from the page on US Ag Facts before looking through Ag Facts for Alabama. You can get to US Ag Facts through "From Home Page" above. There is some duplication between the two pages (US and Alabama), but not so much as to be distracting, and some topics are primarily limited to one page or the other (such as "Consumers" for US Ag Facts).

We also advise that you go to the page for the Conference Series. You can get there from the "Home Page" menu above. There you will find a slide show that summarizes the situation of agriculture in Alabama, based on data from the first two conference, from this page, and from elsewhere.

Agricultral intrinsically has to do with the environment, so please also visit the page on Environmental Facts. In the future, the most pressing issue might be the "Urban-Rural Interface".

On this page, we advise you to read the material from the pages on history and geography, and look at some of the summary material from the conferences. These are an essential background to understanding everything else.











Some Generally Useful Sites

Through the button at left the reader can find the addresses for some sites that provide generally useful information about Alabama, especially Alabama agriculture. We return to these sites often in the material below. Click the button at left. (The page you go to has only the addresses, it does not have more buttons to take you to the sites.)

The reader should look at other Auburn University College of Agriculture sites, such as: www.ag.auburn.edu

And a key site: www.aces.edu (Alabama Cooperative Extension Service)

Especially useful is the yearly fact book on Alabama agriculture published by Auburn Univeristy ACES and USDA/NASS, in cooperation with the USDA office in Montgomery (Herb Vanderberry directed that office and provided great help during most of the making of this website in 2002-2004 [he is not responsible for any errors or wrong headed ideas]). You can reference the books for past years by changing the date in the Internet address below, and you can go to particular pages within a year by changing the page numbers within a year. See the example below. The button to the left takes you to a recent fact book so that you can look for yourself. Try changing the page numbers in the address at the top of your browser to the numbers for interesting pages in the index, or try changing the year of the index page for other years. For a fuller description, see the button above left for "Handy Sites".

2000 index page = www.aces.edu/dept/nass/bulletin/2000/pg04.pdf


Brief Historical Points about Alabama Agriculture and Some Important Facts about the Current Situation

Summary Pamphlets and Slide Shows from Conferences

Alabama Geology, Geography, Climate, and Ecology

Alabama Production and Yields

Major Crops, from Ag Folio

Some Recovery: New Crops: Poultry and Catfish

  CAFOs (please see page on CAFOs from Environmental Facts from Home Page)
Contract Farming

Land Values

Land Taxes

Some Southern Seaboard (Alabama) Farm Finances



Government Extension Services and Support Persons

Government Payments
Legislation and Government Policy
Rural Poverty and Development
Opinions. Still under construction.