May 1994 SCSB# 380


Chapter 3
Nitrogen and Sulfur

G. Kidder

Nitrogen and sulfur are usually absent from peanut fertilization recommendations in the United States. A brief discussion of the reasons is included here for the sake of completeness.


Inoculation with Rhizobium Bacteria

Peanut is a legume which benefits from symbiotic nitrogen fixation in association with Rhizobium bacteria. The success of rhizobial inoculation in improving N-fixation of other legume crops has led to experiments with inoculation of peanuts. Increasing the amount of effective inoculum, especially in soil where peanuts have not been planted for some time, is a potential means of improving the N-fixing capacity of the peanut crop and thus enhancing crop yield.

Cobb and Whitty (1973) reported increased average yield from 2,700 to 3,400 pounds of nuts per acre where five lb acre-1 of granular inoculant were applied in the planter furrow. The presence of areas of darker green plants in the un-inoculated portion of the field indicated that inoculation by native Rhizobium can easily influence average yields. When they repeated the experiment on fields that had produced peanuts in the preceding three years, they found no response to inoculation. Hickey et al. (1974) increased yield of pods from 1,700 to 3,300 lb acre-1 by inoculation of Florunner peanuts grown on Lakeland fine sand. The field, planted to peanuts in 1972, had been cleared of scrub oak in 1970 and planted to watermelons in 1971. In a study conducted on 13 different fields that had not grown peanuts for at least 15 years, Hiltbold et al. (1983) found no yield response to inoculation or to fertilizer N. They concluded that even on land where peanuts had not been grown for many years, modulation and nitrogen fixation by indigenous rhizobia were sufficient for maximum yield under field conditions of southeastern Alabama.

While recent reports of increased yields from inoculation are found in world literature (Raverkar and Konde 1988), inconsistent results continue to cloud the issue in the United States (Scholar and Turpin 1988). The random occurrence and widespread distribution of native legumes of the cowpea cross inoculation group undoubtedly contribute to the inconsistencies experienced in field trials. Since seed inoculation is relatively inexpensive and presents no environmental risk, the Georgia and Florida Cooperative Extension Services recommend inoculation on land which has not grown peanuts for over five years (Plank 1985, Whitty 1991). Where indicated, granular inoculants placed in the seed furrow by a granule applicator are recommended (Whitty 1991). Other states view inoculation as an unwarranted operation and expense and do not recommend the practice.

Application of Nitrogen Fertilizers

Nitrogen fertilization of peanuts in the southeastern United States has been studied over the years. Older experiments (Killinger et al. 1947, Scarsbrook and Cope 1956), where peanut yields were relatively low by current standards (maximum yields <2,600 lb acre-1), serve mostly to show how other production-limiting fictors have been steadily identified and corrected.

After reviewing the literature on nitrogen fertilization of peanuts, Reid and Cox (1973) concluded that most American research found no increase in peanut yields from N fertilization. The less consistent responses reported from Africa, Asia, and Europe (13 references cited as positive and eight cited as no response to N fertilization) could not be readily explained. Lack of sufficient effective Rhizobium bacteria, differences in soils used for peanut production, and climatic differences were offered as possible factors. Furthermore, the common use of ammonium sulfate as the N source in those parts of the world suggested the possibility of responses to S rather than N. In an updated review, Cox et al. (1982) acknowledged that “there seem to be a number of conditions conducive to obtaining a response from fertilizer N,” but no strong conclusions were drawn.

Research done in the Coastal Plain in the past two decades has generally supported the conclusion of Reid and Cox (1973). Walker et al. (1974) found no response of runner peanuts to N applications (up to 120 lb N acre-1). Spanish-type peanut yield increased when fertilized with 20 lb N acre-1, but did not increase further at higher N rates. They concluded that N should be left out of Georgia peanut fertilization recommendations. Ball et al. (1983) found no economic response to application of 30 lb N acre-1 as ammonium nitrate on Spanish or Virginia market-type peanuts in North Carolina. Hartzog et al. (1983) reported no yield response to 100 lb N acre-1 in a three-year study of 13 fields in southern Alabama. Pataky and Hollowell (1984) reported a reduction in peanut yields when very high rates of N (up to 416 lb acre-1) were soil applied in an attempt to control Cylindrocladium black rot in North Carolina fields.

Pancholoy et al. (1982) reported no yield response from up to 7.5 lb N acre-1 applied as a foliar spray of urea or to the soil. Walker et al. (1984) found that foliar application of urea did increase yield of Florunner, Tifrun, and all nonnodulating varieties on a Lakeland sand. Response of Florunner was curvilinear, with maximum yield (ca 4,100 lb acre-1) calculated at 28 lb N acre-1. Response of Tifrun was linear, with maximum yield (3,800 lb acre-1) at the 45 lb N acre-1 application rate. Foliar N had no effect on Early Bunch yield.

Recently, Davis-Carter et al. (1992) reported a 21% yield increase in Southern runner peanuts from a granular urea application (25 to 100 lb N acre-1). However, no yield differences were found from the same treatments the following year (Davis-Carter and Shannon 1993).

Recommendation Summary

The land-grant universities of the southeastern United States do not recommend application of fertilizer N on peanuts, (Clemson University 1982, Cope et al. 1981, Donohue and Hawkins 1979, Hanlon et al. 1990, Plank 1989, Tucker and Rhodes 1987) with one exception. Auburn recommends 20 lb N acre-1 for Spanish peanuts (Cope et al. 1981). Inoculation is recommended in Florida (Whitty 1991) and Georgia (Plank 1989) if peanuts have not been grown on the land for the preceding five years.


Stanford and Jordan (1966) noted that the application of gypsum and dusting peanuts with S would mean that few responses to fertilizer S would be expected. Anderson and Futral (1966) added elemental S to soil in an attempt to separate the effect of S from the response to gypsum. The yield decreases experienced in the S treatments were attributed to pH decreases from 5.9 to 5.7 and 5.1 for 60 and 300 lb S acre-1, respectively.

In their treatment of S as a nutrient in peanut production, Reid and Cox (1973) noted that S is deficient in most soils of the world where peanut is produced. They state that S per se has received less attention than most nutrient elements and that it is probable that many responses attributed to other factors were in fact responses to incidental S fertilization.
Use of ordinary superphosphate as a phosphorus source (10 to 12% S), gypsum (CaSO4) as a calcium source (18 to 23% S), and dusting with elemental S for leafspot control (as much as 120 lb S acre-1 yr-1) are all practices which were often studied without evaluation of the possible effect of S as a nutrient. Use of sulfate forms of micronutrients or potassium magnesium sulfate as a K source adds to the difficulty of determining when the peanut crop is responding to S fertilization. The value of 20 lb S acre-1 removed in a two-ton crop (Potash Institute 1972) is an estimate still in use (Kamprath and U.C. Jones 1986).

Cox et al. (1982) note that there were few reports regarding S fertilization in the Americas. Studies of S fertilization of peanut seem to be reported mostly from Asia and Africa (c.f., Bahl et al. 1986, Hago and Salama 1987), usually on soils very different (e.g., high pH clays) from those used for peanut production in the United States. In the United States, the nutritional effects of S addition have been mostly implied from studies where S nutrition was incidental to the main objectives of the research. For example, Walker et al. (1975) reported that multiple applications of S to foliage increased yield of Florunner that was not related to leafspot control; yield of Tifspan did not increase.

The most compelling evidence that S nutrition is not limiting peanut yields in the U.S. Coastal Plain is found in the Alabama research of Hartzog and Adams. In their extensive comparisons of lime and gypsum as Ca sources over many years and soils, gypsum generally showed no yield advantage over lime (Hartzog and Adams 1973, 1975; Adams and Hartzog 1980). If S deficiency were a major problem, the gypsum should have produced higher yields since it supplies both Ca and S.

Recommendation Summary

None of the land-grant universities of the southeastern United States recommend application of fertilizer S for peanuts (Clemson University 1982, Cope et al. 1981, Donohue and Hawkins 1979, Hanlon et al. 1990, Plank 1989, Tucker and Rhodes 1987). However, several trends in peanut production practices could reduce the amount of sulfur which is applied to the peanut crop for reasons other than fertilization. Decreased use of foliar-applied S for leafspot control, the substitution of lime for gypsum as a Ca source, and the elimination of unnecessary fertilization will reduce the S applied to peanuts. These changes could lead to S deficiencies in the future, and the situation bears watching.


Nitrogen and S fertilization of peanuts has generally not resulted in increased yields in the U.S. Coastal Plain. Under current cultural practices, neither nutrient is recommended for application as fertilizer in the southeastern U.S. peanut-producing region. Changes in cultural practices which have coincidentally supplied S to peanuts could result in deficiencies of S in the future.


Document Prepared by:
Leigh H. Stribling,
Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station
Auburn University

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