May 1994 SCSB# 380


Chapter 6
Calcium and Magnesium

S. C. Hodges, G. J. Gascho, and G. Kidder

The unique fruiting habit of the peanut plant and the importance of calcium (Ca) in pod development make Ca a primary feature of any peanut fertility program. For over 50 years, the role of Ca and the means of ensuring adequate supplies have occupied the thoughts of scientists and growers alike. While few will debate the major principles involved in Ca nutrition, there have been disagreements on the soil test levels needed to maintain maximum production and the means of supplying these levels.

While magnesium (Mg) has demanded much less attention in peanut production than Ca, deficiencies have been reported on sandy soils of the Coastal Plain (Adams and Hartzog 1980, Walker et al. 1989). Peanut requirements for Mg are quite low, but Mg must be considered for its role in peanut production, and as part of the total cropping system.

Current Calibration

Soil test ratings for Mehlich-1 extractable Ca and Mg vary considerably among states (Table 1). Alabama, Florida, and Georgia rate peanuts separately from other crops. In the remaining Coastal Plain states, where virginia market types predominate, Ca ratings are essentially the same for all crops, perhaps reflecting the fact that all peanuts will automatically receive application of gypsum. Georgia is the only state that bases its rating on samples taken from the fruiting zone after plants emerge.

Supplemental Ca recommendations also vary, primarily based on the market type of peanut grown. All states except Alabama recommend gypsum applications for virginia market types and seed peanuts regardless of soil test Ca (Table 2). Alabama is the only state that currently recommends reduced rates of gypsum as soil test Ca increases. Since guaranteed analysis of products sold in the state currently range from 15 to 21% Ca, Georgia recommends application rate be based on the Ca content of gypsum. Although not mentioned in the reference by Cope et al. (1981), Alabama growers are advised to add lime after deep turning to concentrate the lime near the soil surface. Additional gypsum is recommended following this practice only where soil Ca levels are “low” (Hartzog and Adams 1988).

Florida recommends Mg at both “low” and “medium” ratings, while Alabama does not recommend treatment other than the use of dolomitic lime where soil tests indicate a need for lime (Table 2). Other states recommend Mg at rates ranging from 10 to 35 pounds Mg per acre when soils are rated “low.”


Research Review

The unusual interest in Ca nutrition of peanuts results from the striking and well-documented effects of Ca deficiency on peanut yields, grades, disease resistance, and seed germination. Peanuts are very efficient in obtaining other nutrients, but because of their unusual fruiting habit, developing pods must obtain their Ca directly from the soil solution. This results in unusually high soil requirements relative to other crops that are able to supply Ca to developing fruit through xylem transport. These features of Ca nutrition of peanuts were extensively reviewed by Cox et al. (1982). This review will concentrate on the assessment of residual Ca levels and corrective treatments to ensure adequate Ca in the fruiting zone during fruit development.

Critical Soil Calcium Levels

From a practical standpoint, the farmer must ensure an adequate supply of Ca in the fruiting zone during pod development. This can be accomplished in a number of ways. Residual soil levels may be adequate, and the grower simply needs to confirm this through a reliable soil testing procedure. Otherwise, supplemental Ca can be added as lime or gypsum. Cox et al. (1982) concluded that Mehlich-1 Ca levels of 125 mg kg-1 were adequate for runner and spanish market types, while 250 mg kg-1 were required for virginia market types. Several states have since studied the levels of soil Ca required to achieve maximum yields.

A long-term, on-farm testing program with gypsum and lime has been used to establish and confirm soil Ca requirements of peanuts for soils of the Coastal Plain of Alabama (Hartzog and Adams 1973, Adams and Hartzog 1980, Hartzog and Adams 1988). These tests generally consisted of comparisons of gypsum and no gypsum in fields planted to a single variety, or to combinations of gypsum and liming materials. Several runner and virginia type cultivars were tested.

Test sites were selected which were likely to respond to Ca applications based on farmers’ soil samples submitted to the Auburn Soil Testing Laboratory (Adams and Hartzog 1980). These sites were predominately located in non-irrigated fields containing loam or sandy loam soils. Farmers were responsible for all phases of production except for application of lime or gypsum. Yields were often not as high as well-managed research plots, but exceeded state average yields and provided comparisons of the treatments under numerous field conditions. Soil Ca levels for calibration were determined in plow depth samples (6 in) collected in the untreated check plots at the end of the growing season.
Hartzog and Adams (1973) summarized the results of experiments from 1967 to 1972 with the following statement:

The results are clear and consistent: (1) no soil with a soil-test Ca above M80 (100 mg kg-1) needed gypsum; (2) all soils with a soil-test Ca below L70 (87.5 mg kg-1) needed gypsum; (3) the variety had no influence on whether gypsum was needed or not.

The lack of response to gypsum by virginia-type cultivars did not agree with earlier reports (Cox et al. 1982). Further on-farm tests conducted between 1973 and 1986 (Hartzog and Adams 1988) showed significant yield increases for runner types in 12 of 17 cases when the Mehlich-1 Ca was less than 100 mg kg-1, and no yield increases in 27 cases where Ca was above this level. Similar results were obtained in 15 studies with virginia-type peanuts. Grade was significantly increased by gypsum for Florunner in two cases where Mehlich-1 Ca was 110 and 120 mg kg-1, and in one case for GK-3 (a virginia market type) at 230 mg kg-1.

On a Dothan fine sandy loam that had not been limed in 52 years, Cope et al. (1984) reported a 21% reduction in peanut yields relative to limed treatments. Soil Ca concentrations were 140 mg kg-1 in the unlimed soil (pH of 5.1), and 490 mg kg-1 in the limed soil.

Adams and Hartzog (1991) recently reported increases in germination and seedling survival of seed peanuts at soil Ca levels greater than 120 mg kg-1, although yield and grade were not affected.

Gypsum and liming tests in Marianna (E. B. Whitty, Univ. of Florida, unpublished data, 1981) showed substantial differences in yield response between Florunner and Early Giant. At a soil Ca level of 370 mg kg-1, Ca treatments did not affect yields and grades of Florunner, but significantly increased yields of Early Giant. Pod rot in Early Giant was also substantially reduced by gypsum. application. Samples taken before and after the season showed that Ca levels dropped from 370 to 290 mg kg-1 during the season on this sandy site. Whitty et al. (1986) found that seed germination was the most sensitive measure of Ca fertilization. Yields in five sites were not affected by gypsum application because of high Ca levels in the unfertilized plots (Mehlich-1 values not reported). They also reported that gypsum applications counteracted the effects of excess K in the pegging zone.

Calibration work in Georgia has been conducted in numerous environments, but predominately on experiment station sites and usually under irrigated conditions. At least 45 tests on runner market types and 20 tests on virginia peanuts have been conducted in Georgia since 1980 (Walker and Csinos 1980; Gaines et al. 1989, 1991; Gascho et al. 1989, 1991; Alva et al. 1989, 1990a, 1990b; Hodges et al. 1989). Mehlich-1 Ca levels in these studies were determined in plow-layer samples taken before the season or fruiting zone samples taken 10 to 14 days after planting. Soils have varied widely, ranging from excessively well-drained Quartzipsamments and well-drained, loamy Rhodic Kandiudults to somewhat poorly drained Kandiaquults.

In the Georgia tests, gypsum significantly increased runner type peanut yield in three of four cases with soil test levels less than 100 mg Ca kg-1, in zero of three cases in the range of 100 to 150 mg Ca kg-1, in three of eight cases in the range of 150 to 200 mg Ca kg-1, in two of six cases in the range of 200 to 250 mg Ca kg-1, and in zero of 24 cases with greater than 250 mg Ca kg-1. Most of the responses occurred on soils classified as sands, and many have arenic horizons (greater than 20 in to the argillic horizon).

In sandy soils, large seeded virginia market type cultivars have consistently required higher Ca levels than runner and spanish market types (Walker 1975, Walker and Csinos 1980, Walker et al. 1976). Gaines et al. (1989) recently reported significant yield increases in seven of seven experiments with virginia-type peanuts even though Mehlich-1 Ca levels ranged as high as 700 mg kg-1. Where studies were conducted on a Rhodic Kandiudult (Greenville sandy loam) containing from 250 to 365 mg Ca kg-1, gypsum applications did not improve yields of either runner- or virginia-type cultivars (Walker and Csinos 1980, Walker et al. 1979, Walker and Keisling 1978). Gaines et al. (1989) concluded that soil texture influences peanut response to gypsum at different soil Ca levels.

A recent study in Georgia indicated that limestone, incorporated into sandy soil with a pH less than 6.2 and a Mehlich-1 Ca less than 200 mg kg-1 to a depth of 2 to 3 inches following turning and prior to planting, was effective for reducing pod rot and for increasing pod yield, grade, and value of both runner- and virginia-type peanuts (Gascho et al. 1993). However, the least pod rot and the greatest yield, grade, and value per acre for the virginia type was only attained when gypsum was applied at early bloom, regardless of limestone application. Incorporation of gypsum prior to planting was not effective.

North Carolina and Virginia
Gypsum applied at a rate of 200 lb acre-1 in a 12-inch band increased yields of Florigiant peanuts on a soil containing 305 mg Ca kg-1 (Cox 1972). Gypsum applications of 400 and 800 lb acre-1 did not result in additional yield increases. No response to gypsum was found at three other sites with soil Ca levels of 190, 360, and 440 mg kg-1.

Hallock and Allison (1981) reported yield increases for virginia market type peanuts in 28 of 43 sites on a range of Hapludults and Paleudults. Although soil type affected Ca uptake by seed, yield and grade responses were not strongly correlated with Mehlich-1 Ca levels. Similar results have been reported by Coffelt and Hallock (1986), Hallock and Allison (1980), Sullivan et al. (1974), and Cox et al. (1976).

Corrective Treatments

If soil levels are low, supplemental Ca may be added in the form of lime or gypsum. The lack of consistent yield increases with lime in early studies led most growers to rely on gypsum for supplemental Ca. Failure to integrate the concepts of critical Ca levels, pegging zone Ca management, application timing, and cultivar differences has until recently slowed progress in this area.

Lime as a Ca Source
Liming has a long history of improving peanut yields in the soils of the Coastal Plain. Reed and Brady (1948) reported that dolomitic lime top dressed at seedling emergence was as effective as gypsum applied at bloom in two of three cases. Cox et al. (1982) cite two examples from sandy soils where limed plots out yielded gypsum-treated plots under leaching conditions. Lime can improve soil conditions for peanut growth through reducing Al, Mn, and Zn toxicity, or through increases in soil Ca and Mg levels.

The limited solubility of lime led some to believe that it could not supply available Ca to the fruiting zone as effectively as gypsum. This was reinforced by studies showing limited responses to lime. Lime application in the seed furrow at planting (Colwell and Brady 1945) or applications in the fall prior to moldboard plowing (Sullivan et al. 1974) were ineffective in supplying sufficient Ca to virginia-type peanuts, not only because of their greater Ca requirement, but also because of spatial unavailability. Timing of applications is also important. Applications at bloom are not effective, since the lime has insufficient time to react with the soil before the critical uptake period (Hartzog and Adams 1988). In many cases, results from virginia market types were erroneously extended to smaller seeded cultivars.

Numerous studies conclusively show that lime can provide adequate Ca for maximum yield of runner-type peanuts when applied and incorporated into the pegging zone after moldboard plowing prior to planting (Hartzog and Adams 1973; Adams and Hartzog 1980; Gascho et al. 1991, 1993). Where recommended to correct low pH, lime incorporated in the surface after moldboard plowing can also supply Ca (at a lower cost) and eliminate a trip across the field before bloom. Lime applied in the spring is less subject to leaching than gypsum, and the possibility of missing a needed gypsum application because of wet fields or scheduling problems is averted.

Lime is not the most appropriate supplemental Ca source in all cases. Applying lime on freshly plowed soil is difficult, increases maintenance costs for spreader trucks, and can lead to undesirable compaction. High flotation equipment is better suited to this task, but very few of these expensive units are available. Many dealers have tractor-pulled spreaders available for farmer use, but timing can become a problem for growers with large acreage. They must turn the land, lime, and apply herbicides before incorporation.

Overliming can become a serious problem in some areas. If poorly drained sands of the Atlantic Coast (Aquults) are overlimed, Mn deficiencies are frequently observed. Parker and Walker (1986) found greatly reduced pod yield at pH 6.8 in comparison to pH 6.0 due to Mn deficiency. For this reason, excessive use of limestone as a Ca source should be avoided. In Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia, growers are advised to keep pH below 6.3 in susceptible soils.

In addition, other factors such as market type, contractual requirements, soil K levels, climatic conditions, and disease problems may influence a grower’s decision to use gypsum rather than lime. These are discussed in more detail below (See Other Considerations).

Gypsum as a Ca Source
Although liming can improve yields of large-seeded peanuts, additional responses to gypsum are frequently observed on limed plots (Gascho et al. 1991, 1993).

Gypsum is a relatively soluble source of Ca compared to lime, and generally is one and one-half to three times more expensive than lime per unit weight. It is especially useful for supplementing available Ca near critical uptake periods. Although nutritional responses to sulfur (S) are seldom reported on peanuts in the region (Cox et al. 1982), the use of gypsum also ensures adequate S levels. While mined deposits have historically been the primary source of gypsum, by-products from phosphorus fertilizer manufacture, industrial acid neutralization processes, and scrubbing operations in coal-fired power generation are becoming more important gypsum sources.


The solubility of gypsum leaves Ca from this source more subject to leaching, especially in deep sands, than Ca derived from lime (Adams and Hartzog 1980). Leaching from the pegging zone can occur (Walker 1975, Alva et al. 1990b, Alva and Gascho 1991), but the extent of the problem in the field is variable


Gypsum is recommended at rates ranging from 250 to 500 lb acre-1 applied in 12- to 18-inch bands (equivalent to 500 to 1,500 lb acre-1 broadcast) for runner peanuts, and 600 to 800 lb acre-1 applied in bands (equivalent to 1,200 to 1,600 lb acre-1 broadcast) for virginia types (Table 2). There have been very few gypsum rate studies, and in these studies yield and grade responses are seldom improved beyond the lowest application rate. Thus, little information is available on optimum rates of gypsum required for response. Three experiments with large responses to gypsum indicated that a rate of 250 lb acre-1 (12-inch band, equivalent to 750 lb acre-1 broadcast) was as good as 500 lb acre-1 banded (Hartzog and Adams 1988). Yields of Florigiant peanuts were maximized on a soil containing 305 mg Ca kg-1 (Cox 1972) by 200 lb acre-1 of gypsum (12-inch band). In essentially all other calibration and gypsum response studies over the last 20 years, regardless of the market type, the lowest application rates reported have been 500 lb acre-1 (12- to 20-inch bands) or 900 to 1,500 lb acre-1 (broadcast). Additional work is needed in this area.

Other Considerations

The decision to add supplemental Ca is not always based on the soil Ca level or the market type grown. Various site-specific and external factors in a given year may affect the decision. These may include rotational effects, the potential for economic returns, contractual obligations for seed peanuts, climatic conditions, and other soil-based factors.

Rotational Effects
Crop rotation, or the lack of rotation, can influence the levels of both residual nutrients and pathogens. In many irrigated fields, it is increasingly common to see two and even three consecutive years of peanuts, resulting in ever-growing pest and disease problems. When following crops such as corn or cotton, the soil K levels can be very high. In recent years, there is a disturbing increase in some areas for growers to make direct applications of K to peanuts, either to maintain high K levels for other crops in the rotation or to account for K removal where peanut hay is removed at the end of the season. As cited by Cox et al. (1982), several studies have demonstrated the negative effects of excess K or Mg in the fruiting zone on Ca uptake and utilization. Although fungal pathogens are the primary cause of pod rot (Filonow et al. 1988), gypsum has increased seed Ca contents and reduced the incidence of pod rot in numerous studies where K or Mg is excessive (Hallock and Garren 1968, Walker and Csinos 1980, Csinos and Gaines 1986). Less K fertilization is a long-term remedy, but where levels are already high, additional Ca in the form of gypsum can enhance leaching of excess K from the fruiting zone, and increase yield and grade (Cox et al. 1982, Sullivan et al. 1974, Alva et al. 1990b). Georgia currently recommends the use of gypsum where the Ca:K ratio is less than 3:1. This recommendation was apparently based on numerous unreported observations and field demonstrations (McGill 1981), but has not been documented.

The rather small percentage of fields most susceptible to pod rot are typically on sandy soils low in Ca (Gascho et al. 1993) or sites without adequate crop rotation. At present, it seems that good Ca and K management practices will effectively reduce the incidence of pod rot in all but a few problem fields.

Seed Germination
Seed germination is strongly affected by Ca concentration in the seed, and therefore by soil Ca levels in the fruiting zone. Cox et al. (1982) reported acceptable germination of virginia-type peanuts when seed Ca concentrations were in the range of 420 to 680 mg kg-1. Adams and Hartzog (1991) found that gypsum increased germination and seedling survival at extractable soil Ca levels below 400 mg kg-1, while yield and percent sound mature kernals (SMK) were not increased at soil Ca levels of 136 mg kg-1. In a more recent study, Adams et al. (1993) found critical seed Ca levels ranging from 381 to 414 mg kg-1 for four runner-type peanut cultivars. They calculated that maximum germination for the various cultivars occurred at soil Ca levels ranging from 235 to 252 mg kg-1, but indicated that only a few soils with high extractable Ca were included in the study, and the fact that only SMK were included in the germination tests could well affect these critical levels.

Addition of gypsum is commonly recommended for seed peanuts (Table 2). From a pragmatic standpoint, most seedsmen require contract growers to apply gypsum, regardless of soil Ca levels.

Soil Sampling Procedure

Various sampling methods have been used to determine soil Ca for calibration studies. In Alabama, soil samples were taken from the upper 6 in of the untreated check plots at the end of the season. Preliminary studies have shown insignificant changes in soil Ca levels throughout the season (J.F. Adams, Auburn University, personal communication.,1991; Adams and Hartzog 1991). This sampling method could overestimate the Ca-supplying capacity of a soil where leaching could produce large changes within the sampling zone. In sandy soils, such changes in Ca levels can occur following moldboard plowing, and even during the season. Whitty (E. B. Whitty, Univ. of Florida, unpublished data, 1981) reported a 70 mg kg-1 drop in Mehlich-1 Ca during the growing season at Marianna, Florida. Walker (1975) mentions similar reductions in fruiting zone Ca in Georgia, and similar declines have recently been documented following gypsum applications (Alva et al. 1990). To compensate for potential losses, Georgia research soil samples were typically taken from the upper 6-inch depth upon initiation of the experiments. Since 1984, most studies have included samples from the upper 3 inches of the fruiting zone taken 10 to 14 days after planting.

Hodges and Gascho (1992, and unpublished data) compared pegging zone samples with samples taken before moldboard plowing. In 48 sites with Mehlich-1 extractable soil Ca levels less than 250 mg kg-1, two-thirds had less Ca in pegging zone samples than in the plowed samples. One-third had more. There was a linear relationship between the two sampling methods:

pegging zone Ca = 8.9 + 0.83 (plow-layer Ca)
r2 = 0.72; std. dev. = 34 mg Ca kg-1

A slope less than 1 indicates a potential for soil samples taken before moldboard plowing to overestimate the pegging zone Ca levels.

Correlation between Ca levels in pegging zone samples and Ca levels in harvest samples was greater even though fluctuations were still large (maximum decreases of 100 mg kg-1 and increases of 76 mg kg-1):

pegging zone Ca = -10.1 + 1.01 (harvest Ca)
r2 = 0.87; std. dev. = 25.8 mg Ca kg-1

Calcium levels decreased in 28 samples (average of 49.9 mg Ca kg-1) and increased in 20 samples (average of 39.9 mg kg-1). In four of 16 sites with harvest Ca levels less than 125 mg kg-1, the pegging zone Ca levels were above 125 mg kg-1. By comparison, 10 sites with less than 125 mg Ca kg-1 by the pegging zone test were found to have higher Ca when samples were taken before moldboard plowing.

These studies indicate that the potential for changes in soil Ca following moldboard plowing, and for leaching during the season is significant in some cases. This has become increasingly important with the increasing use of switch-type plows that are able to turn the soil more deeply and invert the plow layer with less mixing. This increases the potential for bringing unsampled soil to the surface. Such soil is usually more acid and contains less Ca.


There are obvious points of agreement and disagreement on the issue of Ca nutrition for peanuts. In an attempt to resolve these problems, we have attempted to collect all information possible for comparative analysis, and to analyze factors that could account for differences. From the preceding discussion, the primary issue to be resolved is the critical Ca level for optimum yield. Data from numerous sources for relative yield (untreated yield divided by gypsum-treated yield) as a function of untreated soil Ca levels are summarized in figure 1 for runner market types and in figure 2 for virginia market types using the quadratic plateau technique.

 Figure 1. Runner peanut yield vs. soil Ca using a quadratic-plateau relationship. Dashed lines indicate 95% confidence interval.

Studies were initially segregated into groups of sands or loams as well as by market type, but there were no significant differences in the fit of curves for the different textural groups. This does not imply that texture has no effect on ability of the soil to supply Ca. The sands in the data set were mostly irrigated research station plots. Irrigation alone is known to improve Ca uptake, and this could be reflected in the combined data sets. In addition, soil Ca levels for these plots were determined primarily by the pegging zone method, which on these soils tends to give higher values than are present at harvest (Hodges and Gascho 1992). It should be noted that several “outliers” indicative of large responses to applied Ca are found above the 200 mg Ca kg-1 level. These represent recent results from irrigated sands conducted in relatively dry years, and cannot be easily dismissed.

Depending on the curve-fitting method used, these data can be used to justify a critical Ml extractable soil Ca value for runner-type peanuts from around 125 mg kg-1 (linear plateau) to over 300 mg kg-1. Using the regression coefficient as the basis of comparison, an exponential equation (r2=0 .55) resulted in the best fit of the data. At current prices, the expense of gypsum could be justified for quota peanuts when yields fall below the 97% relative yield level. Within the lower arm of the 95% confidence interval (figure 1), this corresponds to a soil Ca level of 200 mg kg-1.

 Figure 2. Virginia peanut yield vs. soil Ca. Dashed lines indicate 95% confidence interval.

For large-seeded peanuts, notable responses occur even above 600 mg kg-1, particularly on sandy soils (figure 2). In this case, Ml extractable Ca does not appear to be a suitable test method for correlating soil Ca with response to applied Ca. The pragmatic solution is to recommend gypsum until better testing methods are developed or until we are able to improve our interpretation of results through inclusion of other factors.

In developing the following recommendations, we have considered only the current state of factual knowledge. In summary, Mehlich-1 extractable Ca provides an adequate and convenient measure of available Ca for runner-type peanuts, but not for virginia-type peanuts. A critical level of 200 mg kg-1 appears economically and agronomically justifiable. Limestone can provide sufficient Ca if applied in sufficient quantities at the proper time and in the proper manner. Further work appears justified on the best sampling methods to assess Ca status. Until we know more about the nature of change in soil Ca during tillage and within the season, logic dictates that Ca is best assessed by a pegging zone test in sandy soils. Further work is also needed to define the effects of K and Mg on Ca availability, disease incidence, and responses to gypsum.


Runner Market Types

If fall soil test results do not indicate the need for lime and Mehlich-1 Ca is less than 200 mg kg-1, indicate that Ca level is “low” and recommend spring sampling in the pegging zone. If pegging zone Ca test is less than 200 mg kg-1, recommend gypsum at a rate of 250 lb acre-1 (50 lb Ca acre-1) in a 12-inch band or 750 lb (150 lb Ca acre-1) broadcast. Apply gypsum at early bloom.

If fall soil test results indicate the need for lime, apply recommended rate of lime to the surface after moldboard plowing to ensure the applied lime remains in the pegging zone. Incorporate to a depth of 2 to 3 inches to increase reaction of lime with the soil. Gypsum is not required since lime should supply adequate Ca.

Runner Market Types for Seed Production

Apply gypsum at early bloom at a rate of 250 lb per acre-1 (50 lb Ca acre-1 in a 12-inch band) or 750 lb acre-1 (150 lb Ca acre-1) broadcast.

If fall soil test results indicate a need for lime, apply recommended rate of lime to the surface after moldboard plowing to ensure the applied Ca remains in the pegging zone. Incorporate to a depth of 2 to 3 inches to increase reaction of lime with the soil. Apply gypsum as recommended.

All Virginia Market Types

Apply gypsum at early bloom at a rate of 500 to 600 lb acre-1 (100 to 120 lb actual Ca acre-1) in a 12-inch band or 1,500 to 1,800 lb acre-1 (300 to 600 lb actual Ca acre-1) broadcast.

If fall soil test results indicate a need for lime, apply recommended rate of lime to the surface after moldboard plowing to ensure the applied Ca reamins in the pegging zone. Incorporate to a depth of 2 to 3 inches to increase reaction of lime with the soil. Apply gypsum as recommended.


Research Review

Magnesium deficiency can occur at low soil test levels, and is most likely on deep, excessively drained sands. Brady and Colwell (1945) found no response to Ma on a soil with an extractable Mg content of 32 mg kg-1. Hartzog and Adams (1988) reported no response to addition of MgSO4 on a McLaurin loamy sand even though the Mehlich-1 Mg level was 3.5 mg kg-1. In a comparison of calcitic and dolomitic limestone, Adams and Hartzog (1980) found two cases where plots treated with dolomitic lime clearly out-yielded plots treated with calcitic lime or gypsum. The soils, a Troup and a Bonifay, had Mehlich-1 Mg levels of 3.5 and 4 mg kg-1. They concluded that responses could be expected at Mehlich-1 Mg levels of 3 to 10 mg kg-1 in the surface soil.

Cope et al. (1984) found no response to Mg from dolomitic lime (vs. calcitic lime) at Mehlich-1 Mg levels of 20 mg kg-1. They found that Mg levels in this soil increased with depth, even on unlimed plots. Adams and Hartzog (1980) concluded that accumulation of Mg in the subsoil may prevent accurate prediction of Mg availability when testing only surface soil samples.

Application of Mg to Fuquay and Lakeland soils with Mehlich-1 Mg levels of 7 and 4 mg kg-1, respectively resulted in a significant yield response on a Lakeland soil (Walker et al. 1989). Their results over a five-year period indicated no response should be expected when Mehlich-1 Mg levels were greater than 11 mg kg-1. These conclusions were based on the upper 12 inches of soil.

Schmidt and Cox (1992) reported no response attributable to Mg on a Wagram soil with Mehlich-3 extractable levels ranging from 2 to 30 mg kg-1. With no response to Mg, critical soil Mg levels could not be determined from yield response curves. Based on soil and leaf Mg data and assuming a Mg sufficiency level of 2 g kg-1 in the leaf, as currently recommended by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture for virginia-type peanuts, they concluded the soil Mg sufficiency level was 7 mg kg-1 or less. Unlike previous studies, they found that including data on Mg levels below the 20 cm depth only slightly improved the correlation between soil and leaf Mg levels. They concluded that evaluation of surface soil Mg appears adequate in establishing criteria for critical soil Mg levels.

Davis-Carter et al., (1993) reported on a three-year study on a Lakeland sand (22.5 mg kg-1 of Ml extractable Mg) and found that excessive Mg application (50 to 100 lb Mg acre-1) can result in reduced yields of both runner-type and virginia-type peanuts. Therefore, Mg recommendations should not be exceeded.


If Mehlich-1 extractable Mg is less than 10 mg kg-1, indicate the soil Mg level is “low”.

If lime is needed to correct soil pH, recommend dolomitic lime.

Where no lime is needed and soil Mg is low, recommend 15 to 30 lb Mg acre-1 be applied.


Document Prepared by:
Leigh H. Stribling,
Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station
Auburn University

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